
Good bye Hard Drive...?

Last week after what seemed like a normal restart as usual, my laptop decided to not wake up. It turned out that it was a hard drive failure. And "Mac Genius" told me that hard drives do just die, quite all of the sudden. Luckily i had backed up most of the clients work 3 weeks ago, but not any of the ones i've been working on. Not to mention, I've lost all of my emails, contacts, fonts, resource images etc. etc. etc. Tom, the data recovery guy is still working to see if he can recover ANY files but i've already given up! What's annoying is that now I am scrambling to find information and items that used to be readily available. If you are reading this post, you'd better back up your important files today!


Artbooklet Anemone

It's finally done. My first 16 page artbooklet! It completes with screen printed 45RPM sleeve like a music album -- that's because each layout is treated like a song! I'm no musician.. so this is as close as I get from having my own albums out... (and it's a good thing you don't hear me sing.)

I wanted to make booklets about things I think about all the time, things that are important to me. And of course I want to challenge myself creatively to practice expressing myself as honestly as I can and experiment.

You can see more images on my site.
